Thomaston Safety Group Announces Addition of Mach1 Automatic and Semi-automatic Stretch Wrap Machines

August 18, 2016

Plymouth, CT –

When you make the move from hand wrapping to machine stretch wrapping, you instantly reduce film usage. In addition to the dramatic 50% cost reduction, you're also making a sustainable choice by reducing your carbon footprint.

With this in mind, Thomaston Safety Group is pleased to announce the addition of Mach1 automatic and semi-automatic stretch wrap machines to our ever growing family of Specialty Packaging and Shipping products.

If we are not already supplying you with traditional or vented stretch wrap, then it is time for you to call us for a competitive quote.

There are several advantages for consumers including:

Reduced Film Usage - Pre-stretching means actually stretching the film before it is applied onto the pallet load unlike stretching it while applying it that results from hand wrapping or using a machine that does not have a pre-stretch film carriage. If you’re wrapping 10-15 pallet loads every day then a Mach 1 wrapper with the X-Stretch film carriage is the appropriate choice.

Better Unitizing - Pallets are mainly stretch wrapped in order to protect them from damage during transport by effectively unitizing them.

Pre-stretching the film 250% without neck down before it’s applied to your pallet load increases the tensioning forces that are applied to the load to a degree that can only be achieved by Mach1’s uniquely built X-Stretch, pre-stretch film carriage.

Ship Faster and Safer - Stretch wrapping is the last step of your manufacturing or distributing process and you want to be sure it’s done fast and well. Wrap time will depend on several factors such as load size, stability and quantity of film applied but on average 1 minute is all it takes to perform a wrap cycle.

Optimized Labor Force - Taking the physical effort out of the equation means that operators remain more alert and efficient to get the job done. Grow your business without increasing labor costs.

Call us today for additional information at 1.800.255.4568.

About Thomaston Safety Group

Thomaston Safety Group was established in 1980, as a traditional industrial safety supply distributor offering quality products, competitive prices and best of all, our world-class customer service. But our customers demanded more, requesting that we provide brand name industrial supplies in addition to quality safety products. Thus, our valued customers were the catalysts in our evolution from an industrial safety supplier to a more comprehensive MRO supplier.

About Mach1

Mach 1 manufactures stretch packaging machines and systems for a wide array of industries. Their broad range of models stretches from low volume economical turntable stretchwrappers to fully automatic conveyorized stretchwrap systems with high production rates. Their engineering team will customize any of their standard machines or systems to meet and exceed your specific requirements.